한국에 본사를 둔 제조 및 수출 업체 .
25 년의 노하우와 경험을 바탕으로 더욱 안정적이고 내구성이 뛰어나며 경쟁력있는 정수기를 세계 시장에 제공합니다. 40여 개국에 수출하여 우리는 고품질의 제품과 서비스에서 높은 명성을 누리고 있습니다.
수년에 걸쳐 Clover는 전 세계 수백만 명의 사람들에게 일상이되었습니다. 우리는 그들의 삶을 편리하게 만들고 에너지 집약적이고 가벼우 며 환경에 덜 해 롭습니다. Clover에서는 모든 아이디어가 인간의 자연과 지구를 위해 발전하는 다음 추진력을 촉발합니다.
제품의 품질, 서비스의 성실, 파트너와의 성장은 우리가 유지하는 타협 할 수없는 우선 순위입니다.
따라서 Clover와의 거래는 안정적이고 수익성있는 사업을위한 좋은 디딤돌이 될 것입니다. 클로버는 귀하의 성공을 위해 가장 가깝고 가장지지하는 파트너가 될 것입니다.
Clover's Philosophies and Values
Clover is dedicated to upholding our commitments, which include fostering the growth of our talent to continuously improve the quality of our products and services. We strive to leave a positive impact on the environment by sustainability and implementing innovative technologies that will benefit future generations.
Good Citizenship
We strive to be good citizens by maintaining a positive attitude, sincerity, and a strong work ethic. Our dedication to personal success and the well-being of our families serves as an example for others to follow.
We strive to achieve success through collaboration with our colleagues, attentive listening to our customers' feedback, and growth alongside our supportive partners. Our actions are guided by consideration for others.
In today's rapidly changing economy, it is for businesses to prioritize change and innovation in order to succeed. By adopting this mindset, we can transform external turbulence into opportunities for growth.
These three principles serve as foundational guidelines to ensure Clover's business operates with integrity, responsibility, and care for all involved.
Laws and ethics
We are committed to conducting our business with the highest standards of integrity and in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We believe that ethical behavior is the foundation of a successful business, and we expect all our employees, partners, and stakeholders to adhere to these principles. Our actions and decisions will always reflect our commitment to honesty, fairness, and transparency.
Social responsibility
We recognize our role in the broader community and are dedicated to making a positive impact. Our social responsibility initiatives are focused on promoting environmental sustainability, supporting education, and contributing to the welfare of the communities where we operate. We strive to be a responsible corporate citizen by engaging in practices that promote social equity and enhance the quality of life for all.
Safety and health
The safety and health of our employees, customers, and the public are paramount. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment and to promoting a culture of safety throughout our organization. We will adhere to stringent safety standards, invest in training and resources, and continuously improve our practices to prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of everyone associated with our business.
제품 만들기
다양한 전문지식을 보유한 클로버의 전문가들과 함께 나만의 브랜드 제품을 만들어보세요.
품질 관리 시스템
제조 진행은 숙련된 품질 관리 부서의 엄격한 검사를 받고 있습니다.
굿 디자인 어워드 2018 8
2019 굿 디자인 어워드
(일본, 한국)
수출 거래를 위한 다양한 언어 서비스를 제공하는 영업 관리자